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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jennifer Lawrence's Gym Secrets Revealed

Dalton Wong, founder of private West London gym Twenty Two Training, travels the world keeping actresses on top of their game. 

Taipei Gym, Even when dressed in their character's wardrobe on set, Dalton makes sure to hit a certain amount of reps by the end of the day to keep them in shape.

He has trained stars such as Kit Harrington, Amanda Seyfried, Alice Eve, Diana Argon and Zoë Kravitz.

But most impressively, Dalton is the guy who changed it all for Jennifer Lawrence.

Meeting in 2010, the award-winning superstar (and highest paid actress in the world), said: 'Dalton taught me how to eat, move and live a delicious but healthy life. I will always thank him for that'.

In preparation for X-Men: First Class, the two intensely trained together by doing running, weight lifting, yoga, resistance, and squats. 台北健身房

Jennifer Lawrence's Gym Secrets Revealed

Jennifer Lawrence first learned to get in shape for her blockbuster films from London-based trainer Dalton Wong. Pictured: Lawrence in December 

Using the principles of The Feelgood Plan, Dalton's diet and exercise book, J-Law shaped up for her superhero role in three months, despite being completely new to the healthy lifestyle.

'I feel I am the trainer that started her [J-Law's] education in nutrition, and taught her what foods would make her feel good,' Dalton says, explaining that he was one of the first to help mould her.

Recently, he has been working with Eve Hewson, the female lead of Robin Hood set to be released in 2018.

Starring alongside Jamie Dornan and Jamie Foxx, the 25-year-old Irish born actress, who is also daughter to Bono (aka Paul Hewson), has stepped up to the role of Maid Marian.

Every day, Dalton grabbed snippets of her time to work out together when she wasn't running around with merry men in tights (yikes).

'I had to make sure she looked fit and healthy for her job as the lead female, but also to have a good workout', says Dalton. 'When we are in the gym we did an hour a day, but on set we might just have ten minutes'.

Jennifer Lawrence's Gym Secrets Revealed

Lawrence played Mystique in X-Men: First Class (pictured in 2011). In preparation for the film, the two intensely trained together by running, weight lifting, yoga, resistance and squats

The two first met in 2010, around the time Lawrence was being tapped for huge movies. Pictured: Lawrence in New York City in 2010 (left and right) 

Shaping the physiques of not only Hollywood's finest but also busy Londoners, Dalton has just launched his own workout, the Mini-Band Workout, using his favourite piece of equipment, resistance bands.

The 15-minute circuit-training programme is divided into three main programmes for each coloured band, for posture, fat burning and toning.

With 15 years of experience in the fitness bubble, Dalton knows a thing or two about what women want, and what they need to do to get it.

Here, Healthista grills Dalton for his best advice for seeing results quicker.


Your focus keeps changing

'You need to figure out what your prime goal is and stick with it', Dalton says. 'If my client is aiming for weight loss, we would gear their plan towards that for four weeks, per se, with the best exercise, nutrition, lifestyle and stress management plan for the most effective results.

'Then you might say "Hey Dalton, I feel and look great. Now how do I sustain this?". People swap from weight loss to posture to muscle gain – they aren't focused enough.'

You stay in your comfort zone 

'If you go to a class regularly, you'll see the same people there every time. They look the same, because they are doing it over and over again. Our body is designed to be comfortable, so we have to work outside that to see benefits.

'That's why people, I believe, are spending a lot of their time and resources into exercise and not achieving their goal, because they aren't pushing themselves enough. That's not necessarily a fault of their own, that's because our bodies adapt.'

Jennifer Lawrence's Gym Secrets Revealed

Dalton (pictured training a client) said in order to get the best results people need to focus on one goal at a time. By constantly changing focus they will never achieve their first goal 

Jennifer Lawrence's Gym Secrets Revealed

The blonde beauty credited the health guru for helping her to eat right, saying: 'Dalton taught me how to eat, move and live a delicious but healthy life. I will always thank him for that' 

The intensity isn't high enough 

'It doesn't have to be crazy stuff, it just has to be uncomfortable. If you work all day at your desk, you're so physically exhausted by the end of the day that your half hour workout isn't as good as it could be.

'If you can work out for 20 minutes at your highest intensity, it's better than 45 minutes of moderate exercise.'

You give up too easily 

'You know that last set at the end of a workout and your body says 'I'm done'? and you think about stopping? Most people stop.

'But when you work through it, you realise it was just your brain saying that. People have to push through that barrier, being mentally aware that you can work harder than you think you can, and feel better and stronger.'

It's not varied enough – and you're not using resistance

'You get people who just like to go to the gym, just like to do yoga, or just like to do Spin classes. They become very good at that discipline and that's it.

'If you use bodyweight all the time, your body will get used to it. Add some resistance to your yoga or Pilates workout.

'That works both ways; if you do CrossFit, it might be good to come off that for a while and do some yoga and Pilates instead to balance it out. Its knowing and listening to your body.

'In a week, my clients do a varied programme of two to three strength or resistance training, one flexibility, and one cardio. Then you get a varied programme.'

You're not working on your weaknesses

'It's important to work on your weaknesses not your strengths. Do the stuff you're bad at, and the stuff you're good at can only get better.

'If you like to do HIIT but you can't bend over and touch your toes, work on your flexibility. Think how much faster you would be and how much higher you could jump.'

'If you do yoga but are having trouble doing a backbend or a one leg downward dog, a bit of resistance training for your back, bum and shoulders would help you get into those positions.

'That's where your body is so clever. It needs to be flexible, strong and stable, and you need all different disciplines in order for that to happen.'

Jennifer Lawrence's Gym Secrets Revealed

Although Lawrence made headlines in the past for professing her love of pizza, the actress eats healthy, picking up groceries at Whole Foods and attends spin classes.

References: Taipei Gym, Taipei Fitness, Daily Mail

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