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Monday, November 27, 2017

5000 Metres World Champion Hellen Obiri Shares All Her Training, Health And Fitness Secrets

Taipei Gym

Taipei Gym, Hellen Obiri is a Kenyan middle-distance runner and the current 5000 metres champion after winning gold in the 2017 World Championships in London. She is also the silver medalist from the 2016 Summer Olympics over the same distance (5000 metres). She won 3000 metres distance at 2012 IAAF World Indoor Championships in Istanbul, Turkey. Obiri holds the National Record for the 5000 metres event.

The 5000 Metres Champion Hellen Obiri shares all her secrets about training, diet and motivation to win the World Championships and Olympics in an exclusive interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You created a huge blast when you won the 3000 metres distance at 2012 IAAF World Indoor Championships in Istanbul, Turkey and soon became the silver medalist at the 2016 Summer Olympics in the 5000 m event. Walk us through your spectacular journey and tell us how it all began?
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Ms. Hellen Obiri:

My athletics career began at high school in 2004 when I was 14 years old. I saw that I was faster than the other girls in my class. My big opportunity came in 2010 when I was given the opportunity to join the PACE Sports Management training camp in Kenya. From there I got the opportunity to train with the professionals and compete internationally. I won the Kenyan Championships in 2011 and competed at the World Championships in Korea that year. I have gold, silver and bronze medals from the World Championships (Indoors & Outdoors) and a silver from the 2016 Olympic Games.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What inspired you to take up this sport?

Ms. Hellen Obiri:

Kenya has a lot of top runners who are famous for winning races all over the world. We used to read about them in the newspaper and see them running on TV. When I was young I looked up to an athlete called Jackline Maranga and wanted to be like her.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to a day in the life of an athlete, preparing for the Olympic Games.

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Ms. Hellen Obiri:

I am a long distance runner so we have to be very disciplined and dedicated. I do my first training session at 6am then another in the afternoon. Between times I have to rest, get massage, eat well. I train 6 days per week and rest on Sundays. I try to go to bed around 9pm.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine that you may like to share?

Ms. Hellen Obiri:

I run twice every day anything from 40 to 90 mins. 2-3 times per week I do hard session of intervals – this can be laps and laps on the track, running up and down hills, or timed runs on the trails. My favourite workout is 6 x 600m with 90 seconds recovery. I also do exercises in the gym twice per week.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. Hellen Obiri:

In Kenya we naturally eat a healthy diet – low fat and a lot of fresh food. Our stable food is called ugali. It is what most runners eat for dinner each night.

Taipei Gym

References: Taipei Gym, Taipei Fitness, Core Space

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