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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Get The Skierg

taipei gym

Taipei Gym ,The Concept2 SkiErg makes the sport of Nordic skiing available to everyone. Long recognized as delivering one of the toughest workouts around, Nordic skiing develops both strength and endurance and exercises the legs as well as the arms and core. The SkiErg can be used for both double pole and classic alternating arm technique.

The SkiErg uses the same flywheel resistance and electronic monitoring systems as our indoor rower, the proven choice of rowing athletes around the world since 1981, so you can rest assured that the machine is made to last. As well as being durable and well built, the SkiErg is sophisticated too, with an advanced monitor that provides immediate, accurate performance data.

Whether you’re an elite cross-country skier looking to improve your poling power, a weekend enthusiast wanting to get into shape for the ski season, or just someone looking for a great workout, the SkiErg will help you achieve your goals.

Training Skierg

The SkiErg is easy to use. Once you know the basics, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your fitness goals. Use the tips and resources in this section to make the most of your SkiErg.

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Taipei Gym or fitness place the best ever and good trainer.
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Learn Proper Technique

Before your first workout, take the time to watch our technique video and visit the technique page. Learning proper technique from the start will help you ski better and faster in the long run. It will also help prevent injury and keep you from developing bad technique habits that are difficult to break.

Educate Yourself

Become familiar with what the damper setting does and how it controls how your skiing feels.

Track Your Progress

Monitoring your progress is one of the best ways to stay motivated and achieve your goals. We recommend signing up for our Online Logbook, where you can record all your workouts, participate in the many challenges offered throughout the year, and keep track of your progress if you’re working towards one of the Million Meter Clubs. If you prefer paper, call or email us to request our paper logbook or download a logbook page and print it.
Train with a Partner

Finding a workout partner can make a huge difference in sticking to a new routine. You can use the Training Partner feature of our online logbook to keep track of their progress, no matter where they live.

Build Up Gradually

When you first use the SkiErg, resist the temptation to do too much too soon. Instead, make sure you focus on your technique and learn to maintain a steady pace. Follow our First Workouts to get you started.

References : Taipei Gym, Taipei Fitness, Corespace

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